Friday, February 12, 2010

Is this The End or Dead End?

"If love was a bird Then we wouldn't have wings If love was a sky We'd be blue If love was a choir You and I could never sing Cause love isn't for me and you If love was an Oscar You and I could never win Cause we can never act out our parts If love is the Bible Then we are lost in sin Because it's not in our hearts So why don't you go your way And I'll go mine Live your life, and I'll live mine Baby you'll do well, and I'll be fine Cause we're better off, separated If love was a fire Then we have lost the spark Love never felt so cold If love was a light Then we're lost in the dark Left with no one to hold If love was a sport We're not on the same team You and I are destined to lose If love was an ocean Then we are just a stream Cause love isn't for me and you Boy I know we had some good times It's sad but now we gotta say goodbye You know I love you, I can't deny I can't say we didn't try to make it work for you and I I know it hurts so much but it's best for us Somewhere along this windy road we lost the trust So I'll walk away so you don't have to see me cry It's killing me so, why don't you go..." Miski on minust ei tea veel mis, aga vastus hirmutab mind isegi rohkem kui see olek ise. Rinnus rõhub ja miski taob südamesse julmalt noahoope. Puudub viha kuid valdab hirm...hirm omaenda otsuste ees. Ma lihtsalt ei suuda...enam eksisteerida nii- isegi kui see toob kaasa parima inimese kaotamise. Eile öösel voodis mõttelennu käes piineldes mõistsin ühte- olen ise oma elus juhtunu eest vastutav, ei keegi muu... Aga mulle pole õpetatud õnnelikuks olemist, õigemini ma ei ole ise oma 22 eluaasta ajal seda õppinud- sina üritasid õpetada ja ma lootsin et seekord on isegi lootust, aga ka sina ei jõua parandada midagi nii katkist. MIND

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